“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” ~ Tony Robbins; American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach.
“You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands–your own.” ~ Mark Victor Hansen; American inspirational and motivational speaker, trainer and author.
“You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands–your own.” ~ Mark Victor Hansen; American inspirational and motivational speaker, trainer and author.
Destiny I kept the repeating question encased in pure gold,
Foolishly I tried to make sense of it as it grew in me;
I felt alone, confused, running lost in the winter cold.
Where was I going…?? What was I to be…??
I heard the cry of sheep and the howl of wolf.
Hadn’t I walked too long…?? Didn’t I deserve more…??
The moon was whispering to me about love
While my wings were broken and I couldn’t soar.
But the whispers were astoundingly sweet in my ear,
And were magically transforming my broken heart;
They spoke about absolute creation without fear,
They spoke about commitment from the start.
The moon told me about her love for the sun,
About the true essence of love between them,
How in spite of the distance they were One,
How their destinies shone together like a gem.
I again heard the cry of sheep, the howl of wolf to be.
I had to choose my destiny and renounce all fear.
The whisper was clear, it answered the question in me:
I created my destiny with the essence of love most dear.

Spiraling With No End
My days were rainy and sad as I walked onwards to destiny,
Around me minds were conditioned to follow and compare;
The nuisance of their words, the ignorance without empathy,
The money schemes, the greed and jealousy stare.
And there seemed to be no return, as this was life,
And my mind was agitated, pressures to meet expectation;
The doorway was cold, heartless, Spiraling With No End,
Was this my life…?? Was this the lesson…??
The neighbors would rush past my chaotic mornings,
My family would become silent to my treacherous indifference,
My mind was in heavy fog and I couldn’t see the warnings,
Blinded by the Spiraling With No End in illogical defiance;
Was this my destiny as I had become this petty human being…??
Was this what my heart was destined to be, closed and sad…??
But it takes inward communion for the truth to be seen,
I had to stop my thinking and rushing day for myself to be glad.
To be truly awakened to the truth of me and the lies of society,
I need not to be taken by the inhumanity of the popular crowd;
To wallow in madness was every damn day to fall in anxiety,
To be myself now is to love each moment I live, happy and proud.
You are the Creator of your own destiny, not the stars, not any
philosophy, not other people. Never allow anyone to tell you

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