Saturday, December 2, 2017

Not the end of the road.

“Authenticity is everything!  You have to wake up every day and look in the mirror, and you want to be proud of the person who’s looking back at you.  And you can only do that if you’re being honest with yourself and being a person of high character.  You have an opportunity every single day to write that story of your life.”  ~ Aaron Rodgers; American football quarterback.
“I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going.”  ~ Sylvester Stallone; American actor and filmmaker.

The mind can be a fatalist making challenges seem daunting and mistakes seem like the end of opportunities for progress in life; however, these ways of the mind themselves are challenges, distortions of reality due to a lack of self-discipline, and this is what is needed for us to become stronger and master ourselves.

Nothing in this life is given to you, but you create it with your thoughts of inspiration and persistence, never stopping because you make a mistake or you fall.


 How can someone learn to understand and appreciate life if that someone gives up because of a bad experience or mistake…??  How can someone really practice true self-love and at the same time stop the expression of his human spirit from pursuing his dreams and goals…??  How can that someone embrace happiness every day if there is neglect to keep going and learning from mistakes…??

You were not meant to just cruise by and admit defeat, put a fake smile and pretend that you love your life as it is.  You must understand that life is not random, life is conscious, much more conscious and wise than the highest human I.Q., and even highest than any Enlightened human heart.  You are the creator of your life all the time; when you are conscious of what you create, you control what you create thus beauty surrounds you; but when you are not conscious of what you create, you are not in control of what you create thus ugliness surround you.
  There is no mistake in life, not even if it is a major crime, that will mark you as garbage or sinful for ever, you have always the power within yourself to change and raise above yourself and what you did; so, your next choice, your current moment will modify it in your mind, you either learn from mistakes and bad experiences or you drown in a dark pool of self-pity and self-destructive thinking. 

Life in its wisdom moves and never stops, and the clock never stops either; therefore, be wise as life itself is wise, mind your time and your thinking, act accordingly and keep going always aiming to be better than yesterday.
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